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my blog has videos, games, pictures and way more than you can dream of!
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You might see blog that is half there or not even there at all! This is because my computer has been playing tricks on me lately. 
AHH AN ANT!!!!! 
Oh sorry hope you enjoy my blog! :) 

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Here is a cool clip that me and my friend made:

Friday, May 29, 2009

here comes........................7TH GRADE!!! so long 6th grade

Even though I am leaving, I thought that I should tell you how I am getting on in school. I am really proud of myself because I am actually doing quite well. My strength is most likely to be in humanities because I am a good writer and I have just recently got a likening to books so there is quite a lot of complicated words that I use. I have completed all tasks on time and some even earlier. I am really organized in school for example my locker, my locker is always neat and tidy but even if it is disorganized, I take some time out of lunch or whenever I have time to clean it out. I came here in 4th grade and since then I have become much more mature, here in 6th grade I have lots of friends to keep me happy. My favorite assignment this year is most likely to be the diary entries on ancient Egypt because I had lots of details to write about on my doctor; that was who I was assigned. I liked the role of the doctor because the doctors played a big role in their community and the Egyptian community would have died out much earlier with out them. However, I have really struggled to focus and not be annoying, I am recently getting quite off task by talking to my class mates and not getting my work done. Soon I will stop this nonsense and focus more. To summerize this, I feel that I am a very strong learner and can adapt to what is going on, there are some difficulties that can slow me down but I will, sooner or later manage to handle those problems.

a) Behavior

Could be improved
Perfect - the model student


As I said earlier, I feel that I am not focused enough to be in the high category and to be some one to look up to because I get very distracted at times and very talkative. I, however do not feel as if I am really naughty in class because I do focus most of the time.

b) Participation

Actively participate in class


In the discussions about class work, movies we watched, projects we had or even questions that come up in class, I know I allways participate and I am at all times aware of what is going on because it shows. I don't ask questions about our task imediately after we have just been told and I just get on with it, I never daydream or 'shut down.'

c) Organization

Needs serious help
I'm super organized


In organization, I would mark myself high up and maybe even a model student because I never forget anything for class and I have a really neat locker which are the two basic key points for organization. The way I remember all of my classes is because I pack my bag at night and not in the morning; this helps me remember my schedule.

d) Effort

Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.


Saturday, May 23, 2009


To be honest, there are many ways that the Earth could become a disaster such as wars, running out of resources or what I am going to talk about; general waste and pollution. Pollution is something that we can stop if we were to care about the Earth. Things such as Earth day or Earth hour are some ways to help out. I think that we should have an Earth hour every week or even more often because if everyone were to turn of all of their lights then our future generation will possibly live for a day longer. We could all go to having candles however that would waste the invention of the light bulb. Talking of inventions, maybe if the inventors in the world could invent something to help as well instead of inventing irrelevant things like a pencil that writes all by its self (I would like that though).

Just be sensible and be part of the community and help out whenever there is a chance, or do simple things like turn the lights off and the air conditioning off because that will save a lot of energy. Remember that without the Earth then you wouldn't survive or even be alive by now so if you do want a good life then you may as well put in your best effort to fix Earth.

Also out of the three Rs; recycle, reduce and reuse, you should definitely consider that the most important one is reduce because if we reduce then we don't have to recycle or reuse as much. Instead of having a container, holder and a wrapper for biscuits in a tin, can't they just have a holder to put them in; it would save SO much. Also, when recycling you can recycle plastic, paper, tin, cardboard, wood and glass however you can NOT recycle polystyrene! POLYSTYRENE IS DEADLY... DO NOT USE POLYSTYRENE!!! Also if we were to keep using plastic water bottles, we would soon have lots and lots of plastic in the world and that is not what we want. So instead use reusable water bottles. Basically just help if you want a better life don't wait for every one else to do it otherwise no one will. HELP OUT!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Pulau Besar/ Malaysia Week

Wow! What an amazing week I had on a deserted island called Pulau Besar!!!! However there was only one memory that stood out the most, which was... As we approached dock walking along, I heard the speed boat start up. I had to drag myself over to the boat because I was so nervous, there was no way out, I had to go to the island. On the boat I slipped my life jacket on and sat down on the squishy, wet seat. VROOOOOM! Off we went towards the horrible island and all I could do is sit there. The upside was that the wind hit me in the face as we sped along, plus I was sitting in the front seat. Speeding up to 90 miles per hour! As the tribal guy turned off the engine I stood up and slipped onto my bottom! It hurt allot, suddenly every one started screaming. I looked over, still in pain, I saw this gigantic spider crawling around the boat, so suddenly everyone started to jump off the boat and there I was lying down right next to the spider. My fingers started to tremble, my eyes watering and my mouth sealed shut. I scrambled to my feet and jumped into the sea. This, thankfully was the place that we had to swim to shore with all of our gear, towel, suncream, water bottle etc. I tried not to get my gear wet because I kept on going under water to save my stuff but in the end I almost drowned so I had to get my stuff soaking. Once on shore, I took my stuff out of my bag and started to dry it out. As every one else came in the bigger boat and swam to shore, I ran into the sea to have a bit of fun before the slow swimmers got to shore.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Life in KL, Malaysia

It is a pleasure living in Malaysia because of the humidity and how hot it is. I am from England and I am eleven going on twelve. I have been in KL for 2 and a half years now and I have really enjoyed it. In KL there is a rugby club that I go to called BRC (Bintang Rugby Club).

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I am not in this picture though. Since I came to Malaysia, I have been in ISKL because I love it's facilities and it's education.

There is a a famous sight in town which is the petronas towers. they are the tallest twin towers in the world!

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These towers have a shopping centre next to them called KLCC. This shopping centre is really expensive but I go there all the time. I love Malaysia!


Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year

Wow, I can't believe my eyes! Do I see a 9? Yes, I see 2009!

If I'm going to have a good 2009 then I have to follow some R...U...L...E...S! (Such as my New Year's Resolutions!)

1! Stay away from electronics more often

2! Go to bed on time

3! Do my best in Rugby training

4! Put on some more weight

I will let you know how it goes later on in the year!

Happy New Year

I hope you all have a very Happy New Year and I hope you all got good Christmas presents!!!